快乐早操 活力绽放 Energetic Morning Exercises

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2019-11-07 点击数:


        Morning exercises are an important part of a child's daily life and an effective means to enhance the physical fitness of young children. In this semester, under the goals and requirements of the children's healthy development in the Guide, with the purpose of “happy morning exercise, healthy grow-up”, aiming at the children's physical and mental conditions and the development of movements, we teachers created a morning exercise that is suitable for children of different ages.


Shake your head, wave your arms

        “They’re two,they’ re four,they’re six, they’re eight”跟随着动感的《Roll Call》,孩子们开始进行早操热身啦~

        Under the dynamic music of “Roll Call” from children’s favourite Cartoon Thomas & Friends, children began their warming-up~


Stretch your body, shake your legs


       Look, children carried out the formation transformation in an orderly manner, each movement is full of vitality, and the gesture of exuding a healthy and happy atmosphere.



Shake your head, wave your arms


        Look, the energetic cheerleading dance has come. The children use their dynamic dance to show the childhood style.




Climbing and Jumping, that’s FUN


        According to the goals and requirements of the Guide, we took full advantage of the advantages of climbing slopes, castles and green lawns in our park. The children carried out continuous jumping on both feet, continuous jumping on one foot, hanging on both hands, running fast and drilling. Game activities such as running around obstacles, the entire park is full of vitality, full of joyful atmosphere~


        Children relaxed in the good music, and the mood of the day is pleasant~



        The morning exercise can not only improve the children's movement coordination and flexibility, but also enhance the children's interest in sports activities, and cultivate children's good quality without fear of difficulties and unity and cooperation.




Hope that children can harvest steady health and happiness.


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