又到九月九,重阳倍思亲 Double Ninth Festival~

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2019-10-11 点击数:




        The Double Ninth Festival is the traditional Chinese festival for the September 9th of the lunar calendar every year. The Double Ninth Festival, which originated in the Warring States Period, was a happy day. At the beginning of September, the sun and the moon meet each other, so they are called "Chongyang."

        The Double Ninth Festival is also called the Old Man's Day. The ancients attached great importance to the number "Nine" and regarded it as a symbol of "lasting forever." On this day, people want to give the elderly a pastry. Because of the "cake" and "high" homophony in Chinese, it reflects the celebration of the high life of the elderly and the meaning of blessing them to live longer. Since the Jin and Wei Dynasties, China has a tradition of offering Chongyang cakes and chrysanthemums to the elderly.


         Let’s see what our children prepare for their elderly?










May our grandparents be healthy and long-lived, happily ever after~


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