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幼儿园 | 拥抱春天, 走进自然 When springtime comes upon us

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2019-04-14 点击数:

        草长莺飞四月天,芳菲含苞寻春时;春暖花开, 正是踏春好时节;让我们赴一场与春天的约会,拥抱春天,亲近自然,一同去感受浓浓的春意;爱在春天,乐在自然,人间最美艳阳天,不负春光与时行;趁着春光烂漫,跟着宝贝们春游去!

        When springtime comes upon us,Filling freshness in the air.Showing natures own beauty,With flowers blooming everywhere.Trees start slowly budding.Opening to the sun's warm rays.Start the birds to singing.Touching our hearts in these ways.The grass starts turning greener.Pushing up out of the ground.Nature is waking up.Sending forth her beautiful sound.It’s Spring Outing Time~Let’s go on a spring field trip together~


        We went to Xiamen Expo Garden by bus. See how happy we were~


        There are many beautiful flowers in the garden on such a great spring time. Begonia flowers, daises and pansies welcomed us. 



        Our favourite snack time~We had a delicious cake, yogurt and a mandarin. 


        We walked through the garden and had a good time.



        Look, these are our group photo~







        Spring is the season of hope. Childhood is the most pure time of life. In this beautiful time, the children's smiles in our kindergarten are as beautiful as flowers. I look forward to the child's wish to realize the dream of their life.

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