中英国际课程班 | 中考排名17000名的非学霸逆袭 Have a dream of having my Day!

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2020-06-18 点击数:


         If you have seen the film Zootopia, you must be impressed by a sloth, named Flash, who is EXTREMELY slow no matter doing what.









        In our A-level program, we also have one Mr. Man. This is how he asks questions:

        After the teacher finished the explanation, Wingo would like to post his question:

        T: Does it make sense to you?

        W: Yes, but…

        T: What is so confused for you?

        W: um…

        T: here?

        W: yeah…

        A comment from the teacher: he might be the cutest Flash I have ever seen. 



         Wingo is from AS class of A-level program in ASXIT. With fair skin and calm eyes, he is so quiet that even sometimes silent. The rank in Zhongkao also makes him as ordinary as others.


        However, this year, in the AS exam, his talent began to shine and he has the potential to get three As, which is totally different from his previous performance. 



        Wingo’s mark was ranked 17000 in Xiamen Zhongkao, which leaded to his failure in applying for further study. Yet, he was interested in science subjects, which made him make a different but novel decision-to study A-level program and study abroad in the future. 


        He was enrolled as the first group of the A-level program in ASXIT in 2018. ASXIT A-level center is the authorized CAIE exam center in Xiamen. Students can enjoy the global course resource and have the opportunity to be enrolled by more than 16,000 universities around the world.



        A-level is believed to be best course for Chinese students. For one thing, there are two exam seasons and students are given more chance to have higher score. For another, they can choose the three suitable subjects. For Wingo, he chose the most advantageous combination for Chinese students, Maths, Chemistry and Physics. And he finally took off after the two-year effort. 


The note above is from Wingo and it is said that he stores all knowledge in his brain, not in the notebook


The quiet boy Wingo could be more and more enjoying his campus life~


        Choosing a competent teaching group is important 

        Chloe Chen,双语数学教师,澳大利亚墨尔本皇家理工大学学士学位,澳大利亚Catholic大学教育学硕士。

        Heidi Hu,双语物理教师,中心考官,中科院物理学方向理学硕士学位,4年a-level数学物理教学经验。

        Bella Ding,双语数学教师,师范大学数学学科理学学士学位,4年数学学科教学经验。

        Bonnie Zhuang,双语经济教师,美国霍特国际商学院金融学硕士。

        Brogan,英国籍生物教师,英国St. Andrew大学生物学硕士学位,4年生物学科教学经验。

        Shulei Nan,双语生物教师,生物与化学方向理学硕士学位,美国Framingham State university国际教育方向硕士学位。

        Amy Lv,双语化学教师,日本立命馆大学和德国特里尔应用科技大学,化学方向理学和工程双硕士学位,4年a-level化学学科教学经验。


        Vicky Tang,英语教师,有4年A-level国际学校英语教学经验和学生管理经验,曾任教于南非德班孔子学院。


     Mina Wang,英语教师,教育学硕士,美国森坦那瑞大学MBA,国家二级心理咨询师。


        With Wingo’s effort, teachers’ discoveries and cultivation should also be credited. Even though he is so strong in science subjects, his English ability is apparently becoming his shortage. Teachers spent so much time in helping him figure out how to improve his efficiency in reading and working out questions. From a silent student, he finally achieved in Australian Mathematics Competition. And he is playing a leading role in science subjects now.


        Wingo was credited as Senior in Australian Mathematics Competition


        *数学老师Teacher Chloe说:温和安静的男生,对新的知识点能快速组织并吸收,而有挑战性的题目更能唤起他的好胜心和好奇心。作业本的字里行间则无时不刻透露着他严谨的学习态度和灵活的数学思维。

        *物理老师Teacher Heidi说:Wingo其实还是一个贪玩的小孩子。但他很认真地对待课堂,很认真地听老师讲。在学习方面,他总是很谦虚,并且勤于思考,逻辑性也强。

        *化学老师Teacher Amy说:Wingo比较安静,这让他有更多的时间进行独立的思考。他的理解力、领悟力和分析能力不错,能举一反三。

        *班主任Teacher Vicky说:Wingo单纯善良,乐于助人,内向但专注力强,是可爱和有些小倔强的理科男一枚。

        Comments from teachers:

        Maths teacher -Chloe: A gentle and quiet boy can quickly organize and absorb new knowledge points, and challenging questions can arouse his competitive heart and curiosity. Between the lines of the exercise book is constantly revealing his rigorous learning attitude and flexible mathematical thinking.

        Physics teacher-Heidi: Wingo likes playing, however, he treats class seriously and follow teachers’ pace. He is humble and good at logical thinking.

       Chemistry teacher-Amy: Wingo is comparatively quiet, which leaves him so much time to think individually. He has good sense of understanding, comprehending and analyzing.

        Class supervisor-Vicky: Wingo is kind and friendly. He is shy but concentrated, adorable, but ambitious. 


Wingo always posts his confusions to teachers


The introverted Wingo with his extroverted best friend, Eason



Wingo was enjoying the canoeing with his classmates~



        All success seemingly looks effortless, nevertheless, it is credited to all energy and time spent and expectation from all teachers and parents. Applause for our dreams, fight for our ambitions and cheer for each of you in ASXIT! Choose us, start from here. 


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