公立校常春藤来了!Public Ivy School comes!

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2019-11-29 点击数: 800

        宣讲会又来了!为了让学生们更多地接触海外名校,了解升学要求,中美班特邀迈阿密大学校友及讲师Lucas Paul Gallant为学子们带来一场专属宣讲会。

        Here comes another lecture again!VIA in The Affiliated School of Xiamen Institute of Technology has invited Lucas Paul Gallant who is the alumni of Miami University to give our students a specialized lecture.

        19世纪30年代,迈阿密大学(Miami University)是美国四大名校之一。它是美国最早八大公立校常春藤名校之一,也是美国兄弟会发源地学校之一。

        Miami University has ranked as one of the four well-known universities. Also, it is one of the eight public Ivy League members. More than that, it has developed fraternity in the United States.



        The energetic Lucas can not only speak English well, but also is fluent in Chinese. The promotion was carried out in a friendly atmosphere.

“你们好吗?很高兴今天和大家见面。”“Good afternoon.

“How are you?


Brilliant Chinese!



Lucas has brought us three magic numbers.



        According to Lucas, 95% students have successfully got student visa. The universities in the US have provided international students  more convenient college admission services, some of the schools even organized teachers to China and visited potential students. Many parents are concerned that the intense Sino-US relationship will have a negative impact on students admission. However, it’s obvious that there is a distinct boundary between education and politics. After the G20 summit,the US president Trump has stated that US always welcome Chinese students to study there.



        High quality universities always have a fair amount of professors, and the teacher-student ratio could reach 17:1. This can help our students with their academic development. Moreover, students can learn about his/her own hobbies and  Speciality.In that case, you could make use of the resource provided by the universities.



        A colourful campus life is a necessity in the western culture. Lucas strongly recommended our students should join the American Football Club. Lucas also reminded our students that we should enlarge our friend circle instead of playing with Chinese students only. Hopefully, we could join a variety of activities. 

        但!数据只是一部分。敲黑板!Lucas强调,相较于中国的高考制度,美国高校更看重个人的综合素质。当高二学生Wendy提出是否有必要参与志愿者活动时,Lucas表示这点非常重要。当高校在寻找一个适合自己的学生时,学生提供的personal statement能很好地呈现自己是一个什么样的人,而这能帮助学校更全面地了解自己。

        However, Lucas has mentioned that taking part in any kind of extracurricular activities is very important when it could show your comprehensive ability. What’s more, the experience that students had would give universities an opportunity to know you better.


        Speaking of safety problem,Lucas pointed out that guns are banned on campus although they are legal in US. Plus, many universities are equipped with emergency lights, which could alert people when there are any emergency.


        After the meeting, Lucas gave some of the students a mock interview, which allows them to experience the difference. He also said that our students must pay attention to their GPA, and join as many activities as they can. This could improve the students resume a lot.


        Talking to the teacher fluently, expressing themselves.



        As the old saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way.


        This promotion gave a detailed analysis on the US universities. Our students should choose an appropriate dream school and got admitted by it.

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