哎呀,爱牙~Protection of Teeth~

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2019-11-02 点击数:


        Through one’s childhood, there are three key periods: deciduous teeth replacement, permanent tooth eruption and physical development. The quality of oral hygiene will directly affect our quality of life. In order to let the babies know more about the teeth and learn how to properly protect the teeth, our kindergarten and Xiamen Angel Stomatological Hospital have launched a health education campaign with the theme of “Love Tooth and Tooth Protection”.


        我听   Listen to the Story


        The dentists told the children with a humorous and interesting picture book story "The crocodile is afraid of the dentist." The toothache is not a disease, but it is killing pain." This story taught the children to understand the importance of teeth protection.



        我看   Learning about Teeth

        宝贝们的嘴巴里到底有多少颗牙齿呢? 有小盆友知道吗?有20颗噢~

        How many teeth are there in the baby's mouth? Anyone knows? Right, there are 20 teeth.



        我做   Learn to brush your teeth


        The children follows the dentists and to learn the correct method of brushing teeth. Look, how great they are.



        Brushing time: generally more than 3 minutes;


        Water temperature for teeth brushing: brush your teeth with the same temperature as body temperature, do not brush your teeth with cold water;


       Frequency of brushing: once in the morning and evening, remember to lick your mouth after three meals, and don't eat any more after brushing your teeth at night;


        Toothbrush replacement: It is best to change the toothbrush once a month, no more than three months, otherwise there will be a lot of bacteria.

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