幼儿园|自然教育-让孩子回归大自然 We Love Nature


        Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of ripples.


        Mr. Chen Heqin, a famous children's educator in China, once said, ‘Nature and society are living materials for children’s development.’ ‘Nature and society belongs to our children.’ Therefore, education that is taught through nature and the society, which fits the lives of children is the education that best meets the characteristics of children's physical and mental development.


        In our kindergarten, there is a special place called the“Garden Farm”, which is children favourite. You can find a variety of plants, rice, lettuce, loofah, mimosa, longan trees...Children enjoy staying here for fun and also observation.









        Since this garden farms is specially built for the children, the teachers also practiced the educational philosophy of “Nature and Society” with practical actions. In the nature education process, we always follow the concept of “5 E”: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.

Engage  参与


        Walking into nature and children can feel the nature. Children can roam through the grass and woods, watch birds and insects, study plants and soil, observe and worship flowers~


Explore  探索


        Observe and explore nature. When you come to the farm, children choose the plants they want to observe based on their own interests. You will find that children can find all kinds of things, different kinds of leaves, strange branches, flowers and plants.


Explain  解释


        After experiencing exploration, they will always ask questions. Where did rice come from? Why is rice and rice different? At this time, teachers need to guide and explain this.


Elaborate  精心制作


       Protecting children's curiosity and stimulating children's enthusiasm for exploration is an important part of  our nature education. From planting to harvesting to tasting their products, it is also an extremely precious experience for children.


Evaluate  评价


        Through a series of learning, children can express their natural feelings and discoveries in different ways. Talking to others, drawing a picture, and making a plant specimen. Teachers can also evaluate the children's presentation.


        Nature education takes natural experience as the main way. “The true face of nature is much more beautiful than the realm that poets can describe.” Let the children walk into nature, feel the beauty of nature, and explore the mysteries of nature. To understand the intimate relationship between man and nature, this is also the meaning of nature education.