It has been more than a month since our IG students in The Affiliated School of Xiamen Institute of Technology joined our group.How are they getting along here in the past period? Have they successfully agreed with the learning and living pace here? What kinds of challenge they may meet?
“I thought” was mentioned frequently in our surveys.It seems that not everything is as easy as they thought in the international group.“No pains and no gains”is always working in the real world.
We are glad to see that all of our new members have started the new trip here.They are learning how to discipline themselves,following the rules and respect others;They are learning how to make a presentation and how to cooperate with the partners;They are leaning how to ask questions and how to debate their own ideas,etc.They are growing up with experiences and challenges everyday.
What is your feeling to study here?
� 以学习为主,同学们之间的关系融和睦融洽,老师们都很nice,会帮助大家查缺补漏,很鼓励和欢迎同学们问问题。(Tony)
� Everyone here is getting along well, and we focus on learning here.The teachers are so nice to encourage us.(Tony)
� 我很喜欢班主任Juliet老师,她经常课后和我交心聊天,而且英语对话我也没问题了。这里的老师会关注到每一位同学,不过国际班的学习压力确实比我想象中的大哦。(Sally)
� I love my class supervisor Juliet.I could chat with her after class about all kinds of relaxing topics in English.The academic pressure is more than I thought here.(Sally)
� 有课外活动,课程很丰富也很生动。(Dina)
� I love all kinds of vivid activities here.(Dina)
� 我太难了,好多单词哦。(Vincent)
� Tomorrow is another happy vocabulary day!(Vincent)
� 学科内容很简单,压力比普高小。(Rae)
� It’s easier for me to study here.(Rae)
� 老师们都很热情,也很关心学生,经常和我们沟通。我自己需要加快自己的解题速度,还有多背单词。(William)
� Teachers here are all concerned about us and communicate with us after class.But I need to work more efficiently and recite more vocabulary.(William)
� 这里的老师和同学都很好,不过,单词多到背不完,作业难到不会写。我正在努力。(Ruby)
� Everyone here is friendly.But what challenges me the most is the endless vocabulary and homework.I am still fighting on it.(Ruby)
� Words from the editor:We will have a more fruitable future as long as we keep fighting on.Everyone is the unique one.
Which class activities impressed you the most?
� 有一次飞盘课,Shulei老师对我们说:“天黑请闭眼。”(Vincent)
� Once in our Frisbee class, teacher Shulei said”Darkness is falling down now,please close your eyes”(Vincent)
� 英语课上的小游戏和小竞赛。(Tony)
� I love the games in English classes.(Tony)
� 心理课上廖老师组织的全部活动。(William)
� All activities in psychology class impressed me the most.(William)
� 英语课上Vicky老师让大家传娃娃,声音停止,娃娃传到谁谁就讲一句英文。(Ruby)
� Vicky has organized us to play a “passing the doll and speak English” game in English class.(Ruby)
� 英语课上Juliet组织的猜单词游戏。(Dylan)
� Guessing the words is interesting in Juliet’s class.(Dylan)
� Words from the editor:Games are always the favorite of kids and teenagers.It’s said that the “doll” in English class is in the shape of “shit”.
Who is my role model in my class?
� Rae同学被提及7次,Dina同学被提及4次。
� Rae was mentioned for 7 times,and Dina was mentioned for 4 times in this part.
Words from the editor:Who is Rae?May I have an individual interview sometime,please?
Which teacher impressed you the most?
� Amy老师,和她说话很轻松,还有她走路像在跳舞。(Rae)
� Brogan老师,课后去问她题目,她总是很负责很耐心地讲解。(Dina)
� Yogi老师,她教会了我很多跟“仁”有关的东东。(Dylan)
� Mina老师,每天都可以见到她。(Peter)
� 都很深刻,老师们对我都很好。(Jacob)
� Juliet老师,她是一个坚持原则又很有趣的班主任。(Mason)
� Yogi老师,没犯错的时候她对我们很温柔,犯错的时候她好凶。(Ruby)
� Heidi老师,她经常鼓励我。(William)
� Juliet老师,她经常和我谈心。(Sally)
� 全部老师,她们都帮助我很多。(Vincent)
� Amy老师,她的课堂会穿插一些很有意义的视频,和我们的沟通交流以相互尊重为前提,平时问问题她会引导我们帮我们打通思路。(Tony)
� Most of the teachers are mentioned here with the key word such as encouraging ,helpful, patient, kind, humorous,respectable,etc.
� Words from the editor:Whether a teacher is talking with you gently or strictly,please believe that she/he is concerned about you a lot,just in different ways. All the teachers are looking forward to meeting a special and better YOU.
What do you want to say to your parents?
� 谢谢你们送我到厦工附校中英班上学。
� Appreciated for giving me the opportunity to study in this group.
� 我不蒸馒头给你争气!
� May you are proud of me one day!
� 希望你们不要只看结果,也看到我正在努力的过程。
� Sincerely hope that you could focus on my efforts and progress besides the results.
� 爸爸妈妈你们辛苦了!
� Thanks my beloved parents.
� 我们一起加油!
� Let’s fighting on together.
� I won’t let you down.
� 我一定能做得更好!
� I can do better!
� 爸爸妈妈我不会辜负你们的期望的,我会努力学习,考上我的理想学校墨大!
� I will work hard here,chasing my dream.
� 我想你们了!
� I miss you.
� 爸爸妈妈你们照顾好自己,我也立志要咸鱼翻身,等我学成归来一定报答恩情!
� Please take a good care of yourselves.I will do my best to improve myself.
� 我爱你们!
� I love you.
� Words from the editor: Maybe the monkeys love parents more than we thought,and do believe that they will grow up soon.