Break the Limit and Learn,高效学习英语的小秘密——幼儿园双语环境篇

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

        Nowadays,technological advances have allowed researchers to look more deeply at how bilingualism interacts with and changes the cognitive and neurological systems, thereby identifying several clear benefits of being bilingual. And the way to achieve learning second language is the Learning Environment.


        First, a great English Course and a charming teacher is necessary!
        在幼儿园的每一日早晨,都可以听到宝贝们响亮的“Good Morning”。
        -Look, who is he?
        -Teacher Armand!
        每个班的小朋友都会和Teacher Armand一起度过愉快的早晨。
        “I miss you~”
        “I miss you, too.”


        About Teacher Armand:
        Name:Eugene Armand Rossouw
        Bachelor of Education Degree 教育学学士

        为践行厦门工学院附属学校“双语教学,科艺发展”的教学理念,附属幼儿园与新加坡英语机构“I Can Read”共同合作,选择适合幼儿园宝贝们的英文课程,运用音素法来帮助孩子们更好地读英语、说英语。
        We introduce the most popular English Learning Centre--I Can Read (short for ICR), and teach the kids with a more effective way to learn English,which is suitable for children.
        根据幼儿园儿童的年龄特点,Teacher Armand为每个班量身定做了英文教学计划,通过童谣歌曲、音素学习、单词学习和英语游戏来开展英语教学。

“Good job!High five!”

“Let’s play a game, shall we?”


“Coloring time~”

        下课后,还能跟Teacher Armand享受运动时光~
        我们的Teacher Armand可是运动健将,足球、篮球样样行,据说最擅长的是橄榄球呢~


  “Let’s play some soccer!”

        “We love to play.”
        每次下课,都舍不得离开英语教室,真想跟Teacher Armand再玩一会儿!
        It is important to learn through the English classes, but it is more important to use English in your daily life.

        除了外教老师,日常的大部分时间小朋友们还是由各位带班老师陪伴的,让我们来看看他们在做什么?What are teachers doing?

        All the teachers need to learn and practice English by Teacher Armand and we can help children to review what they have learned so far.

        老师们都是本科及以上学历,还有留英归来的教育学硕士,可以指导其他老师在幼儿园一日流程中更好地使用英语来跟宝贝们交流沟通,各个实力都是杠杠的~So Easy~而且每位老师都要配合外教老师的安排,用最合适的语言氛围来达到习得英语的目的。
        We teachers are all undergraduate and above, so we are capable of creating the best learning environment for our children.
So, we teachers try to create a good way for children to learn through their daily basis. For instance, we have Alphabet and English Corner which can help them to review.


        English everywhere.

        当然,学习一门外语,我们会很自然地接触到另一种文化,所以体验外国文化也成为我们园双语环境营造的重要一环。英语作为国际通用语言,我们可不单要学会这门语言,更要去了解英语背后的文化。Panos Athanasopoulos博士,语言和双语学领域的专家,是这样告诉我们的:“语言、文化和认知三者之间有着不可分割的联系。”
        As Panos Athanasopoulos said that there is a strong link between language, culture and cognition. Learning a second language means you have to know about the other culture. Obviously, it is fun for the children when you give them the opportunity to experience something new.



        Last month, we had a Halloween Party which is very popular among children. They enjoyed the fun of experiencing different culture and they would like to learn more English to know more about the western culture.
        Learning English is not only to study one foreign language, but also it offer an opportunity to experience another culture. And the best to do it, is to learn English through life.
We Play, we talk, we learn.