Enrollment Notice
您好!感谢您的信任与支持送孩子到我校国际课程中美班就读,现将入学有关事项通知如下:Thank you for your trust and support for your child be educated in our high school, please pay attention to the enrollment notice below:
一、所需办理的材料的准备 Materials Needed
二、 开学报到时间与流程 School Registration Day and Schedule
1. 报到时间:2018年8月24日上午8:20am
Location: Please see the reception sign, find your own classroom
Notice: New students should be organized and clean with their appearance.
男生发型:前后不得遮眉,侧面不得盖耳,后面不超过发际。不准染发、烫发、剪怪发。女生发型: 要求女生短发,后侧不可过领,两侧不可过耳,前刘海不可过眉。不准染发、烫发、剪怪发。(具体标准请参考下图)
2. 报到当天流程 Enrollment Day Schedule
8月24日上午9:00-12:00 入学英文测试 ,下午安排宿舍,发放校服
Placement test will be conducted on the 24th Aug at 9am. Assignment of the dormitory rooms and uniforms will be in the afternoon
3. 近期行程 Coming schedule
Military training and safety guidance will start from 25th to 31st Aug, and students will have holiday after 31st Aug at 17:30. Students need to go back to school on 2nd Sep at 17:30. The new semester will officially start on 3rd Sep.
三、入学时需携带以下物品:Things you need for school life:
1. 所有床上用品,其中床铺规格为2米�0.9米,垫被或床垫厚度不得超过5公分,被子要方便折叠,蚊帐(建议蒙古包蚊帐)。
Beddings, bed size 2m*0.9m, the bed mattress should be no deeper than 5cm, duvet foldable, mosquito net.
2. 换洗衣物、内衣裤、睡衣裤、鞋、袜、保暖服装、衣架、沐浴露、洗发液、水杯等生活必需品 (餐具食堂提供)
change of clothes, indoor wear, shoes, socks, clothes hangers, shampoo, showering gel and cups (no need for food containers)
3. 装衣服的旅行箱高度不超过60公分,宽度不超过80公分以便放入行李架,宿舍里有衣柜可放衣物。
Suitcase height should be no greater then 60cm, no wider than 80cm, wardrobes are provided.
4. 学习用品、电子词典、文具
stationery and electronic dictionary, other articles for study use
四、禁带物品Items forbidden
For your own safety, please do not bring your laptop, PSP, hair straightener, egg boiler, lamps, hair dryers to the accommodation. No fruit knives. No pets.
Students are not allowed to bring the smart phone into the campus, only the non-smart phone that cannot use Internet. Besides, phone cannot be used in the campus or dormitory. If any emergencies happen, students can ask teachers for help and use their phone to contact parents.
五.暑期推荐书籍 Reading List
24-hour on duty number请如期到校。
国际部咨询电话: 15013280568
祝假期生活愉快!Have a nice holiday!